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I was. Anything wrong with that? What have you been doing with the Chinese girl? Playing mah-jongg? Bond got to his feet. He stitched impatience and outrage on his face in equal quantities. Now look here, Mr. Scaramanga. I've had just about enough of this. Just stop leaning on me. You go around waving that damned gun of yours and acting like God Almighty and insinuating a lot of tommyrot about the Secret Service, and you expect me to kneel down and lick your boots. Well, my friend, you've come to the wrong address. If you're dissatisfied with the job I'm doing, just hand over the thousand dollars and I'll be on my way. Scaramanga smiled his thin, cruel smile. You may be getting wise to that sooner than you think, shamus. He shrugged. Okay, okay. But just you remember this, mister. If it turns out you're not who you say you are, I'll blow you to bits. Get me? And I'll start with the little bits and go onto the bigger ones. Just so it lasts a heck of a long tune. Right? Now you'd better get some shuteye. I've got a meeting with Mr. Hendriks at ten in the conference room. And I don't want to be disturbed. After that the whole party goes on an excursion on the railroad I was tellin' you about. It'll be your job to see that that gets properly organized. Talk to the manager first thing. Right? Okay, then. Be seeing ya. Scaramanga walked into the clothes cupboard, brushed Bond's suit aside, and disappeared. There came a decisive click from the next room. Bond got to his feet. He said phew! at the top of his voice and walked off into the bathroom to wash the last two hours away in the shower.He awoke at 6:30, by arrangement with that curious extrasensory alarm clock that some people keep in their heads that always seems to know the authentic nfl wholesale jerseys exact time. He put on his bathing trunks and went out to the authentic nfl throwback jerseys wholesale beach and did his long swim again. When at 7:15 he saw Scaramanga come out of the west whig , followed by the boy carrying his towel, he made for the shore. He listened for the twanging thump of the trampoline and then, keeping well out of sight of it, entered the hotel by the main entrance, and moved quickly down the corridor to his room. He listened at his window to make sure the man was still exercising, then he took the master key Nick Nicholson had given him and slipped across the corridor to Number 20 and was quickly inside. He left the door on the latch. Yes, there was his target, lying on the dressing table. He strode across the room, picked up the gun, and slipped out the round in the cylinder that would next come up for firing. He put the gun down exactly as he had found it, got back to the door, listened, and then was out and across the corridor and into his own room. He went back to the window and listened. Yes. Scaramanga was still at it. It was an amateurish ploy that Bond had executed, but it might gain him just that fraction of a second that--he felt it in his bones--was going to be life or death for him in the next twenty-four hours. In his mind, he smelled that slight whiff of smoke that indicated that his cover was smouldering at the edges. At any moment Mark Hazard of the Transworld Consortium might go up in flames, like some clumsy effigy on Guy Fawkes Night, and James Bond authentic nfl throwback jerseys would stand there, revealed, with nothing between him and a possible force of six other gunmen but his own quick hand and the Walther PPK. So every shade of odds that he could shift to his side of the board would be worthwhile. Undismayed by the prospect, in fact rather excited by it, he ordered a large breakfast, consumed it with relish, and after pulling the connecting pin out of the ballcock in his lavatory, went along to the manager's office.Felix Leiter was on duty. He gave a thin managerial smile and said, Good morning, Mr. Hazard. Can I help you? Leiter's eyes were looking beyond Bond, over his right shoulder. Mr. Hendriks materialized at the desk before Bond could answer.Bond said, Good morning. Mr. Hendriks replied with his little Germanic bow. He said to Leiter, The telephone operator is saying that there is a long-distance call from my office in Havana. Where is the most private place to take it, pliss? Not in your bedroom, sir? Is not sufficiently private. Bond guessed that he too had bowled out the microphone.Leiter looked helpful. He came out from behind his desk. Just over here, sir. The lobby telephone. The box is soundproof. Mr. Hendriks looked stonily at him. And the machine. That also is soundproof? Leiter looked politely puzzled. I'm afraid I don't understand, sir. It is connected directly with the operator. Is no matter. Show me, pliss. Mr. Hendriks followed Leiter to the far corner of the lobby and was shown into the booth. He carefully closed the leather-padded door and picked up the receiver and talked into it. Then he stood waiting, watching Leiter come back across the marble floor and speak deferentially to Bond. You were saying, sir? It's my lavatory. Something wrong with authentic nfl throwback jerseys china the ballcock. Is there anywhere else? I'm so sorry, sir. I'll have the house engineer look at it at once. Yes, certainly. There's the lobby toilet. The decoration isn't completed and it's not officially in use, but it's in perfectly good working order.

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